It was a nice day as Sarah walked to school with her friend Amanda. The snow was just melting with little patches showing here and there, and everything looked beautiful. "Great day, isn't it?", asked Amanda. Sarah just sighed and nodded. Just then she felt a tickle in her nose, a sneeze was comming on. She put her finger up to her nose to stop it, and it worked. She turned to say something to Amanda, but just then her sneeze came back, "HACHOO!!!", she sneezed very loudly. "Cover your mouth when you sneeze!" said Amanda, "Sorry, " said Sarah. At school Sarah noticed that her nose was starting to get stuffy, but she thought nothing of it. During the national anthem she felt another sneeze come on, and she wasn't able to stop it. "aaah... AAAAHH... ACHOO!!" she sneezed right in the middle, causing everybody to look at her. She blushed and continued singing. Then in the middle of class the tickle in her nose came back. She sniffled, plugged her nose, and held her breath, but it did no good. She really needed to sneeze, and her breath was comming out in gasps as she tried to fight it. She raised her hand and asked to go to the washroom, the teacher said yes. She rushed out into the hall, the sneeze was now getting really strong, she sneezed loudly twice before making it to the washroom. In the washroom she still needed to sneeze, she grabbed some toilet paper and stood in front of the mirror, waiting for the innevitable. "aaah.. AAAAH... ACHOO!!! ACHOO!!! ACHOO!!!" She blew her nose fiercely, then, in an attempt to hold off further sneezes, she balled up two small pieces of toilet paper and stuffed them up her nose. "There, that should... should.. aahh... ACHOO!!!", she sneezed out the two pieces which were now all slimy and gross. After a few more sneezes, it seemed like she had her sneezes under control. She walked back to class, and sat down in her seat. After a few seconds, she felt another sneeze comming on. "ah.. aaahhh.." she put her finger under her nose in time to stop it. Then, the teacher called on her to answer a question, she opened her mouth to answer but, "aaahh... AAHHHH... ACHOOOOOO!!!!", she sneezed. She managed to get through the rest of the class without sneezing, but only just barely. Her nose felt like it was going to explode, and that's just what it did with her sneezes as soon as she got out of the classroom. "ACHOO!! ACHOO!! ACHOO!! ACHOO!!", they came one after the other, she couldn't stop them. "Wow, you have some cold!", Amanda said at recess. "I dot have a cold!", Sarah said, "it bust be sub dust id the air or... or... ahhh.. AHHH... ACHOOOOOO!!! or sobthig" "Okay, " Said Amanda, "I'll bet you can't go 5 minutes without sneezing!". This was a problem, Sarah already felt another sneeze comming on, but she agreed. One thing she would never do was admit she had a cold, she claimed she was immune. She sniffled a little, and Amanda was watching her like a hawk. "One minute up!", said Amanda. Sarah didn't answer, she knew if she stopped concentrating for a second she'd sneeze. A little later Amanda said, "Okay, 5 minutes up." As soon as the words were out, Sarah let out a huge whopper of a sneeze that nearly drenched Amanda. "HA!, I knew it!, the 5 minutes weren't up, I just tricked you!", said Amanda. Sarah sneezed 5 more times before she could answer, "I'b tellig you, I dot have a... a.... ACHOOOO!!!!! , a cold" Sarah couldn't hide her cold for long, and the next teacher made her go to the nurse who sent her home. "Well, I guess I do have a... A... ACHOO!!! , a little cold", said Sarah dejectedly.